<% ' #### This script Copyright (c) 2001 ASPjar.com, All Rights Reserved. NO WARRANTEE. ' #### You need CDONTS installed to be able to send mail ' #### Your sites information starts here #### ' Your Email Address - must be a valid domain or the mail will not send sYouEmail="info@xline3d.com" ' Email Subject EmailSubject="Contatto Sito Web Web Firenze" ' Heading font color FontColor="#FFFFFF" ' Heading Background Color HeadColor="#282828" ' Form Font Color FormFontColor="#ffffff" ' Form Background Color FormBackColor="#282828" 'Error Message Color ErrorColor="#84B62F" ' That's it! - you may now wish to customize the header and footer files to suit your site. ' #################################################################################### Function ValidateField(sFieldvalue, sFieldtype) ValidField = true Select Case LCase(sFieldtype) Case "name" If Len(sFieldvalue) = 0 Then ValidField = False Case "email" If Len(sFieldvalue) < 5 Then ValidField = False Else If InStr(1, sFieldvalue, "@", 1) < 2 Then ValidField = False Else If InStr(1, sFieldvalue, ".", 1) < 4 Then ValidField = False End If End If End If Case "message" If Len(sFieldvalue) = 0 Then ValidField = False Case "else" ValidField = False End Select ValidateField = ValidField End Function Sub ShowForm %>
" method="post">

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" SIZE="45" style="FONT-SIZE: 10px; COLOR:#999999; FONT-FAMILY: verdana, helvetica, arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: <%=FormBackColor%>">
<% If dictFields(LCase("name")) Then Response.Write "You need to insert your name" Else Response.Write " " End If %>
" SIZE="45" style="FONT-SIZE: 10px; COLOR:#999999; FONT-FAMILY: verdana, helvetica, arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: <%=FormBackColor%>">
<% If dictFields(LCase("email")) Then Response.Write "You need to insert a valid e-mail address" Else Response.Write " " End If %>
<% If dictFields(LCase("message")) Then Response.Write "You need to write a message" Else Response.Write " " End If %>
0 then Response.Write "checked" End If %>> Newsletter.

<% End Sub Sub Send sPunter = Request.Form("Name") sPunterEmail = Request.Form("Email") Message = Request.Form("message") If Request.Form("agree") = "true" then Mailout = "Quiere agregarse a la lista de correo" Else Mailout ="No quiere agregarse a la lista de correo" End If sMessage = "Es un mensaje de " & sPunter & vbcrlf _ & vbcrlf _ & vbcrlf _ & Message & vbcrlf _ & vbcrlf _ & "Su mail es: " & sPunterEmail & vbcrlf _ & vbcrlf _ & Mailout & vbcrlf _ & vbcrlf Set objNewMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objNewMail.Send sPunterEmail, sYouEmail, EmailSubject, sMessage Set objNewMail = Nothing End Sub Set dictFields = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") For Each Field in Request.Form If ValidateField(Request.Form(Field), Field) = False Then dictFields.Add LCase(Field), true End If Next If Request.Form.Count <> 0 And dictFields.Count = 0 Then %>

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<% Call Send Else ShowForm End If %>

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